
One poster for every night, Posters Unite!

The current politics of hate is unacceptable for many of us. There is an urgency to stop it, to counter divisiveness and the language of polarisation.

Contribute a copy left poster image, or image sequence.
Stick on Streets, Share on Screens!

Launched on 26th January 2019, this is an ongoing poster campaign by 2020 Group in solidarity with Artists Unite!

Click here>> for PostersUnite.in

2020 Group

2020 Group is a self-organised coalition of Mumbai-based artists, architects, filmmakers, cultural administrators and live art practitioners, who have come together to produce a group imagination of, and reflection upon, the near future.

Art is not a decorator for majoritarian ideas and regressive movements, nor for future-looking schemes of exploitation and profiteering. It dreams other dreams.

As 2020 Group, we are interested in the seeds of a creative movement towards futures that we desire, and wish to realise. Our way to do this is to provoke, craft, and nurture alternative visions.